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Quora aims to assist you in speaking like ChatGPT

Quora has announced that it would soon develop a platform designed to enable human interaction with artificial intelligence chatbots by way of posing questions to and receiving answers from the latter.

Poe, which stands for Platform for Open Exploration, will be managed by the question and answer website.

Adam D’Angelo, who also serves on the board of directors of OpenAI, Elon Musk’s startup and the developer of ChatGPT, created the company.

Using AI from Quora, Poe

Quora has been around for 12 years, and a representative said that this gives the company a leg up when it comes to helping those who are seeking information. Furthermore, “much of what [Quora] has learned can be applied to this new domain where people are interacting with large language models,” the representative added.

Many people are worried about this technology because the AI‘s responses may seem so plausible and encouraging that they are accepted as true when they may not be.

Others have concerns about the credibility of the crowdsourced data on which much of this relies. Recently, Microsoft was threatened with a $9 billion lawsuit for failing to properly credit code that was sourced and utilised in GitHub Copilot.

Poe, which is now iOS-only and invite-only, is currently not linked to Quora. Poe enables you ask questions, receive immediate responses, and have back-and-forth communication with AI,” but beyond that, there isn’t much to glean from the App Store listing.

Still, it’s evident that people are beginning to see the worth of this kind of AI. Reportedly in reaction to OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Google has issued a “code red,” reorganising divisions and even scrapping projects in order to prioritise the creation of AI prototypes and products.

Regardless of perspective, it seems that all businesses are aware of the falsehoods and prejudice that AI might generate, and each has its own approach to addressing the problem. ChatGPT, according to OpenAI, has the ability to “admit its faults,” while other businesses are reportedly exploring user limits or advocating for contributor moderation.