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Windows Vulnerability Allows Hackers to Infiltrate PCs via Wi-Fi

A major security flaw was recently uncovered in the Windows Wi-Fi driver, making it possible for hackers to break into PCs via wireless networks. This issue, now resolved, allowed malicious programs to be executed on vulnerable computers without requiring prior access.

Understanding the Flaw

The vulnerability, identified as CVE-2024-30078, was labeled “Important” by Microsoft. It allowed attackers within Wi-Fi range to send specially crafted network packets to a target computer, executing malicious code and bypassing all security checks without user intervention. This means that simply being connected to a Wi-Fi network at a café, airport, or hotel could expose your device to attack.

How to Protect Your PC

To ensure your system is protected, follow these steps to update your Windows software:

For Windows 10 and Windows 11:

  1. Open Settings: Click the Start menu and select “Settings” (or press the Windows key + I).
  2. Go to Update & Security: In the Settings window, click on “Update & Security.”
  3. Check for Updates: Under “Windows Update,” click “Check for updates.”
  4. Install Updates: Windows will download and install any available updates automatically.
  5. Restart Your Computer: Restart your device to apply the updates.

For Windows 8.1 and Earlier Versions:

  1. Open Control Panel: Navigate to “System and Security.”
  2. Windows Update: Click “Check for updates.”
  3. Install Updates: Select available updates and click “Install updates.”
  4. Follow Instructions: Complete the installation process as guided on-screen.
  5. Restart Your Computer: Restart your device if prompted.

Microsoft’s Response

Microsoft addressed this critical issue with a patch released on June 11. This patch not only fixes the Wi-Fi driver vulnerability but also addresses 49 other security issues across Windows, Office, Azure Dynamic Business Central, and Visual Studio. If you’re using a supported version of Windows, it’s crucial to install this update immediately. For those on unsupported versions, upgrading to a supported version is highly recommended.

Stay Safe with Best Practices

  1. Update Regularly: Ensure your operating system and software are always up to date.
  2. Use Strong Passwords: Protect your Wi-Fi network and devices with strong, unique passwords.
  3. Enable Firewalls: Use firewall protection to add an extra layer of defense against unauthorized access.
  4. Stay Informed: Keep up with the latest security news to be aware of new threats and how to protect against them.


While there have been no reports of active attacks exploiting this vulnerability, its potential for harm highlights the importance of regular updates and strong security practices. Keeping your software up to date is one of the best ways to protect your devices from cyber threats. As cybercriminals continue to look for new vulnerabilities, staying informed and proactive is essential for your digital safety.

By following these steps and maintaining good security habits, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to similar issues in the future.

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