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Thai Government Launches Digital Wallet Scheme, Excludes 18 Products and Services

The Thai government has rolled out a new “digital wallet” scheme to boost local economies and support smaller retailers. Commerce Minister Phumtham Wechayachai confirmed today that 18 specific products and services will not be eligible for purchase through this program.

Under the “digital wallet” scheme, citizens can use government-issued benefits to make purchases, encouraging spending within their communities. However, to ensure these benefits are used for essential needs rather than luxury or non-essential items, the government has outlined a list of exclusions.

The excluded items include lottery tickets, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, cannabis, kratom, and their derivatives. Additionally, souvenirs, cash vouchers, gold, diamonds, gemstones, fuel oil, natural gas, electrical appliances, electronic equipment, and communication devices are also on the list. Minister Phumtham emphasized that this exclusion list is not final and may be adjusted. “If we find that certain excluded products are essential for daily life or job creation, we will review and adjust the list as needed,” he said.

Addressing concerns that the scheme might favor large corporate retailers, Phumtham assured that the focus is on smaller, community-based businesses. The scheme aims to uplift independent retailers, grocery stores, community shops, Blue Flag chains, and cooperative stores, deliberately excluding major retail giants and wholesale outlets.

To prepare for the launch, the Commerce Ministry is working with other departments, including Internal Trade and Business Development, the Interior, and Agriculture ministries. They are finalizing processes, and businesses interested in joining the scheme will soon be able to register.

Currently, around 146,000 Blue Flag outlets, 5,000 Blue Flag eateries, and approximately 400,000 retail outlets, including food shops, are eligible to participate. The registration process for both businesses and individuals is set to start in August.

The government believes this scheme will significantly boost the local economy by increasing consumer spending in small businesses and community-based shops. This initiative is part of a broader strategy to support economic recovery and growth in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring that financial benefits reach the grassroots level.

Moreover, the government plans to conduct regular assessments of the scheme’s impact on local economies and make necessary adjustments to maximize its effectiveness. This proactive approach aims to keep the digital wallet scheme relevant and beneficial to the communities it serves.

Key Points:

  • The digital wallet scheme aims to bolster local economies and support small retailers.
  • 18 specific products and services are excluded from the scheme.
  • Exclusions include lottery tickets, alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, kratom, souvenirs, gold, diamonds, and various electronic items.
  • The focus is on supporting smaller, community-based businesses, excluding major retail giants.
  • Approximately 146,000 Blue Flag outlets, 5,000 Blue Flag eateries, and 400,000 retail outlets are eligible.
  • Registration for businesses and individuals starts in August.
  • The government will continuously assess and adjust the scheme to maximize its benefits for local communities.

This initiative underscores the Thai government’s dedication to fostering a resilient and inclusive economic recovery, ensuring that the benefits of growth are shared across all segments of society.

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