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Surreal Scene on Sydney Street Leaves Hundreds Baffled

A viral photo of Apple customers queuing for the new iPhone has sparked fresh debates online, as many question the ongoing obsession with each new release.

Captured just 30 minutes after Apple’s flagship store opened on George Street in Sydney’s CBD, the image shows a long line of eager buyers waiting for their chance to purchase the newly unveiled iPhone 16. The excitement is clear, but not everyone understands the hype.

“Didn’t realize people still line up for iPhones,” remarked the person who shared the photo on Reddit, drawing attention to how some still go to great lengths for Apple’s latest gadgets.

One of the more popular comments read, “Has anything truly game-changing happened with phones in the last eight years? What does an iPhone 16 do that an iPhone 8 couldn’t?”

Others took a more philosophical approach, likening the phenomenon to historical displays of wealth. “Apple’s worth over $3 trillion because people love the brand,” one user wrote. “It’s no different from how medieval lords wore the most elaborate outfits—not because they needed them, but to show off how rich they were.”

There was also a hint of skepticism toward social media’s role in this behavior. “Most people just want to show it off on social media or at work. But does anyone really care? The phones have looked the same for a decade,” someone else commented.

However, the discussion wasn’t only focused on the wealthy. One Reddit user pointed out that not all Apple buyers are affluent. “I had a friend who always said they were struggling to make rent, yet they somehow managed to buy the newest iPhone, a TV, and a laptop all in one go,” they shared. “I don’t understand why people feel the need to spend so much money on release day.”

The iPhone 16, revealed earlier this month, is being touted by Apple as ‘the start of a new era for iPhones.’ It comes with a range of updates, including advanced AI features, camera improvements, and a longer battery life. The phone also offers new color options, though some remain unconvinced these changes justify the price or the urgency to buy it on launch day.

Despite the growing chorus of skeptics, Apple’s loyal fan base shows no sign of losing interest. Whether it’s brand loyalty, social pressure, or a genuine passion for technology, the queues outside stores remain a fixture of each iPhone launch.

For some, the excitement is all about owning the latest gadget, while others see it as part of a broader consumer trend. “At the end of the day, it’s more about status than features,” one user concluded. As Apple pushes the iPhone 16 as a step forward, many still wonder if the changes really warrant the fanfare—or if it’s simply the latest cycle of consumerism continuing to play out in the digital age.

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