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Best PS3 Multiplayer Games of 2024

Are you looking to get together with your friends and enjoy the best Playstation 3 multiplayer games of 2023? It can be difficult to find the right game that fits everyone’s playing style, is enjoyable and affordable. But luckily, I have been playing Playstation 3 since the first console was released and have the expertise of what makes a great multiplayer experience. 

Through my experiences and understanding of the different game types and genres, I can help make it easier for you to find the perfect game. With my expertise, I can help you find the top-ranked multiplayer games for the Playstation 3 this year that’ll get your friends together and make sure the game is fun, entertaining, and within budget. 

Let me help you find the best PS3 multiplayer games of 2023 and make sure everyone is having a great time. By doing this, I can help you save money, time, and get the most out of these multiplayer games. With my help, you won’t have to worry about having a great game to enjoy with your friends.

1. Portal 2

Portal 2 is easily the best PS3 multiplayer game of 2023. Developed by Valve Corporation, the game is a sequel to the critically acclaimed 2007 video game, Portal. It features a unique combination of puzzle, first-person shooter, and platforming elements. With an intriguing story, inventive puzzles, and a fantastic cooperative mode, Portal 2 is an experience that no PS3 gamer should miss.


Portal 2


Best PS3 multiplayer game of 2023

Developed by Valve Corporation

-a unique combination of puzzle, first-person shooter, and platforming elements

-an intriguing story, inventive puzzles, and a fantastic cooperative mode

The single-player campaign of Portal 2 follows Chell, the protagonist of the original game, as she attempts to escape the Aperture Science facility. Along the way, she meets Wheatley, an artificial intelligence voiced by Stephen Merchant, and GLaDOS, the sadistic AI from the original game. The story is told through conversations between the characters and cleverly designed puzzles, which require players to think outside the box in order to progress.

The game also offers players the chance to experience Portal 2 in a completely new way with its cooperative mode. This mode allows two players to work together to solve puzzles, with each character having access to special abilities that can be used to help the other. It’s a great way to experience the game with a friend, and it’s incredibly satisfying to solve the puzzles together.

The visuals in Portal 2 are excellent. The game features a wide variety of vibrant colors and detailed textures, and the environments are full of surprises. The voice acting is also top-notch, with Merchant and Ellen McLain reprising their roles as Wheatley and GLaDOS, respectively.

Overall, Portal 2 is an excellent experience and it’s easy to see why it’s so popular. The story is engaging, the puzzles are inventive, and the cooperative mode provides a unique way to experience the game. Whether you’re playing alone or with a friend, Portal 2 is an experience that no PS3 gamer should miss.

2. Last of Us

The Last of Us is an action-adventure survival horror video game developed by Naughty Dog and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. It was originally released in 2013 and is considered one of the best games of the seventh generation of console gaming. The Last of Us follows the story of Joel and Ellie, two survivors of a zombie-like epidemic who must make their way across the United States to find a cure.

The Last of Us features intense combat, thrilling set pieces, and emotionally charged moments, making it one of the best and most immersive gaming experiences of the seventh generation.

The game also features a unique multiplayer mode, which allows up to eight players to team up and tackle intense cooperative missions. This mode adds an extra layer of challenge and excitement to the game, as players must work together to survive in a hostile environment.

The Last of Us has some of the most captivating graphics and visuals of any game on the PS3. From the stunning post-apocalyptic environments to the detailed facial expressions of the characters, the game is a visual masterpiece. The soundtrack is also worthy of praise, as it perfectly captures the tension and atmosphere of the game.

The Last of Us is a game that puts players in the shoes of Joel and Ellie, and allows them to experience their gripping story. The multiplayer mode is a great way to extend the experience, and it adds an extra layer of challenge and excitement to the game. With its intense combat, thrilling set pieces, and emotionally charged moments, The Last of Us is one of the best PS3 multiplayer games of 2023.

3. Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2 is a fantastic addition to the list of the best PS3 Multiplayer games of 2023. This sequel to the original Borderlands game picks up where the first one left off, and takes the action to the next level. It features an incredibly deep and diverse range of weapons, enemies, and environments, allowing for a truly unique and exciting experience.

The game has an extensive co-op mode, which allows up to four players to join forces and take on the game’s massive and varied array of enemies. The game’s unique and diverse weapons and enemies each require different tactics and strategies to defeat, making team-play an essential part of the experience. The game’s numerous areas and objectives also require careful coordination and planning, making it an excellent choice for a co-op multiplayer experience.

Borderlands 2 also has a robust single-player mode, with a deep and engaging story, a wide range of side missions, and plenty of impressive rewards. The game’s vast array of weapons, enemies, and environments all make for a visually stunning experience. The game’s excellent graphics are further enhanced by its smooth and responsive gameplay.

Overall, Borderlands 2 is a great choice for the list of Best PS3 Multiplayer Games of 2023. It has an incredibly deep and diverse range of weapons, enemies, and environments, allowing for a truly unique and exciting experience. Its robust co-op and single-player modes provide plenty of variety and challenge, and its impressive graphics and smooth gameplay make it a great choice for a multiplayer session. It’s no surprise that Borderlands 2 is considered one of the best PS3 Multiplayer games of 2023.

4. Journey

The fourth entry on our list of the best PS3 Multiplayer Games of 2023 is Journey. Journey is a unique and beautiful game from developer Thatgamecompany, and it’s a great choice for those who want to experience a powerful and moving story with a friend.

In Journey, you play as a mysterious figure traversing an expansive desert. You can’t speak, but you can create music to communicate with the other players you come across. As you make your way through the game, you slowly uncover its secrets and discover the true purpose of your journey.

The game’s striking visuals, immersive soundtrack, and powerful story combine to create an experience unlike any other. The game is designed as a cooperative experience, so you and your friend can explore the world together and share the experience.

The game has been praised for its emotional impact, and it can be a truly unforgettable experience if you play it with the right person. Journey is an incredibly unique game that’s likely to stay with you long after you’ve finished playing.

That’s why we’ve chosen Journey as one of the best PS3 Multiplayer Games of 2023. If you and a friend are looking for an emotional and immersive experience, then Journey is a perfect choice.

5. LittleBigPlanet 2

LittleBigPlanet 2 is an iconic action-adventure game that has been a staple of the PlayStation 3 experience since its release over a decade ago. As one of the most popular and well-loved multiplayer games of the last decade, there are many reasons why it stands out on our list of the Best PS3 Multiplayer Games of 2023.

LittleBigPlanet 2 is easy to pick up and play and offers a variety of different game modes for both competitive and cooperative play. Players can customize their experience with a wide range of costumes, stickers and other items. The game also offers a comprehensive online level editor which allows players to create and share their own levels for others to enjoy.

The game is incredibly fun to play with friends, and offers a range of activities for different groups to enjoy. Players can race each other in the various levels, play Capture the Flag, or even engage in some friendly mini-games. It also features some classic mini-games, such as Sackbot Rescue, which are sure to provide hours of fun.

LittleBigPlanet 2 also offers a unique and creative experience. Players can take part in the game’s creative tools and design their own levels, characters, and objects. This allows players to express their creativity and create a world of their own.

LittleBigPlanet 2 is a great choice for players looking for a fun and creative multiplayer experience. With its wide range of game modes, customization options, and creative tools, it provides an enjoyable and unique experience for everyone.

6. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is one of the best PS3 multiplayer games of 2023 for a variety of reasons. For starters, it offers an incredibly immersive and engaging story, following the adventures of Nathan Drake as he searches for the legendary Cintomani Stone.

The game’s multiplayer component is just as exciting. Players can join forces with up to three other players in cooperative missions or battle it out against each other in classic deathmatch and team deathmatch modes. With its fluid gunplay, diverse character classes, and destructible environments, Uncharted 2 provides an incredibly fun and dynamic multiplayer experience.

The game’s graphics are also top notch. Uncharted 2 features stunning visuals and detailed textures, making it one of the best-looking games on the PS3. The game also features an excellent soundtrack to compliment its beautiful visuals.

Finally, Uncharted 2 also offers a great variety of replayability. With its dynamic gameplay, numerous unlockable items, and a wide range of weapons and items, players can easily find themselves playing for hours on end.

With its captivating story, engaging multiplayer, excellent graphics, and great replayability, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is an easy pick for one of the best PS3 multiplayer games of 2023. Its unique blend of action, adventure, and shooter elements make it an absolute must-play for any PS3 owner.

7. Far Cry 3

Far Cry 3 is one of the best PS3 multiplayer games of 2023. It offers a unique and immersive open-world experience, with a huge variety of environments and activities to explore. The game’s story is a gripping one, with a great cast of characters and a thrilling story arc. On top of all of this, the game has one of the most expansive and expansive multiplayer modes of all time.

In Far Cry 3, players take on the role of Jason Brody, a young man who finds himself stranded on the tropical island of Rook Island. As Jason, you explore the island and discover the secrets that it holds, while battling vicious mercenaries and surviving the harsh environment. The game’s multiplayer mode allows players to team up with friends and other players online to tackle missions, explore the island, and take on massive battles.

Far Cry 3 has a great variety of weapons and items to choose from, as well as a host of vehicles and upgrades to customize your character. With so many different options, you’re sure to find something that suits your playstyle. The game’s AI is also quite intelligent and can make for a more challenging experience.

The game’s visuals are also stunning, with lush environments and detailed characters. The game’s sound design is also great, with realistic sound effects that make you feel like you’re really in the jungle.

Far Cry 3 is an excellent game for both single-player and multiplayer experiences. With so much content and a great story, it’s no surprise that it’s one of the best PS3 multiplayer games of 2023. If you’re looking for an immersive and engaging experience that will keep you hooked for hours, then this is the game for you.

8. Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition

The game also offers a variety of different content, including the classic dungeon crawling and loot-gathering. You can customize your character by choosing from several different classes and specializations, while also engaging in dynamic battles with a variety of enemies. Furthermore, the game offers a great selection of weapons, armor, spells, and special abilities, providing gamers with plenty of ways to customize their character and devastate their opponents.

Finally, Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition also has an excellent online component, allowing up to four players to join in for cooperative and competitive gameplay.

You can play together with your friends on the same map and take on challenging enemies, or you can battle it out against each other to see who is the ultimate victor. The game also has an extensive leaderboard system, which lets you compare your progress against other gamers.

Overall, Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition is an excellent game with plenty of content and gameplay options. The game’s intense combat mechanics and deep storyline make it a great choice for both single-player and multiplayer gamers, while the online component allows you to team up with your friends and take on challenging enemies. With its impressive features and vast selection of content, Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition is an excellent choice for any PS3 multiplayer gamer.

9. Rayman Legends

Rayman Legends is one of the best PS3 multiplayer games of 2023, and we had to include it on our list.

The game is a platformer, which means that it’s full of fast-paced action, with plenty of enemies, obstacles, and puzzles to keep players occupied. This makes the game perfect for a multiplayer session, as you can all work together to beat levels and take down enemies.

The game is also visually stunning, with bright, vibrant colors and detailed backgrounds. It also features a fantastic soundtrack, full of upbeat tunes that add to the already engaging gameplay.

Beyond its visual and audio elements, Rayman Legends also features a wealth of content. The game offers hundreds of levels, each with its own objectives and challenges. It also features a wide variety of characters and costumes, allowing players to customize their experience.

Finally, Rayman Legends features a range of multiplayer modes. These include local co-op, which allows two or more players to join up and play together, as well as online multiplayer modes, and even a tournament mode. All of these modes make Rayman Legends a great game for friends or family to play together.

Overall, Rayman Legends is a great game for PS3, and one that we had to include on our list of best PS3 multiplayer games of 2023. Its stunning visuals, great soundtrack, and wealth of content make it a fun and engaging game, perfect for a multiplayer session.

10. Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light

Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light is a critically acclaimed action-adventure game developed by Crystal Dynamics and released in August 2010. It has since become a cult classic amongst PlayStation 3 owners and is one of the most beloved PS3 Multiplayer Games of 2023.

The game follows the titular Lara Croft, who, along with the Mayan warrior Totec, must work together to prevent an ancient evil from being unleashed. The two characters must traverse a variety of levels, overcoming obstacles and enemies as they progress. The game features an isometric view, which allows for some unique and challenging puzzles.

The game features a two-player co-op mode, allowing both players to take control of either Lara or Totec to explore and solve puzzles. This mode is a great way to experience the game with a friend and adds a layer of depth and replayability to the game.

Additionally, the game’s online multiplayer mode allows up to four players to join together and tackle the game’s levels in a cooperative fashion.

Overall, Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light is one of the most enjoyable and unique PS3 Multiplayer Games of 2023. The game’s unique isometric view and challenging puzzles make it a must-play for any PS3 owner. Additionally, the two-player co-op mode and up to four-player online multiplayer mode add an extra layer of depth and replayability to the game. With these features, Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light easily earns its spot on our list of Best PS3 Multiplayer Games of 2023.