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Microsoft Copilot Now Offers Enhanced Integration with Windows 11

Microsoft Copilot now integrates seamlessly with Windows 11, allowing users to summon the AI-powered tool with either a keyboard shortcut or the push of a button, although the keyboard shortcut is set to be discontinued. Currently, Copilot resides in the taskbar, opening on the side of your desktop. While there are limited customization options for moving Copilot around your screen at the moment, this is set to change.

A recent update to the Insider build of Windows 11 introduces the ability to resize, move, and snap the Copilot experience just like any traditional app. Although Copilot can already be dragged to expand, and users can choose to have it appear over or next to open apps, it remains anchored to the side of the screen.

Since its initial launch, Microsoft has made several enhancements to Copilot. Initially, the tool functioned mainly as a shortcut to the Copilot web experience but has since gained more features, enabling deeper integration with Windows 11. For a detailed overview of Copilot’s basics, you can refer to a video by Senior Editor Zac Bowden, which covers the initial hands-on experience with the tool and highlights its evolution and new features.

Key changes in Build 22635.3785, released on June 19, 2024, include:

As part of this update, Microsoft is evolving the Copilot experience on Windows into an app that will be pinned to the taskbar. This new model provides users with the benefits of a traditional app experience, including the ability to resize, move, and snap the window—addressing user feedback from the Copilot preview phase. This app model also allows Microsoft to develop and optimize the experience more agilely based on user feedback. Note: Managed commercial devices, including those not running Windows 11 Home and managed by an IT administrator, will not receive this new experience.

With Copilot’s evolution into an app, Microsoft is retiring the WIN + C keyboard shortcut to summon the tool. This change is effective with the recent update to Build 22635.3785.

The changes were outlined in a Windows Insider Blog post detailing the build.

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