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Websites with poor design cost e-commerce platforms billions in lost sales

Enterprise content management system releases findings from study on internet buying patterns It has been reported by Storyblok that badly designed websites may have lost British ecommerce platforms around £1 billion in sales.

According to the study’s findings, bad internet user experience is responsible for the loss of £50 annually per buyer, with 12% of consumers abandoning orders totaling over £100.

48% of UK customers stated they abandon purchases owing to unsatisfactory website design and user experience, according to a poll of 6,000 consumers across the US and Europe on online buying behavior and website performance.

Wrong website, wrong business

According to Storyblok, businesses lose £1.41 billion a year in sales because of insufficient website functionality.

Poor navigation or layout, sluggish loading times, pop-ups, and uncompetitive pricing emerged as the most common reasons for not making a purchase on a website.

Customers are looking for websites that are simple to use, well-organized, and quick to load. Nonetheless, many online marketplaces are failing to meet expectations. Dominik Angerer, CEO and co-founder of Storyblok, said that “lost sales of five purchases per consumer may not seem like much, but when you scale this up to the number of potential new customers companies are losing out on, it becomes a very substantial amount of money.”

Although more features are useful in luring clients, getting the fundamentals right is paramount. Companies may provide the groundwork for a fantastic, high-performing user experience, for instance, by investing in a headless, composable commerce IT infrastructure.

People between the ages of 18 and 25 are more likely to abandon an online store because of a poorly designed interface.

Beyond that, the study found that supplementary features like chatbots are among the most essential components of an ecommerce website’s user experience.

Research indicated that older customers account for greater value abandoned purchases, on average £60.52, compared to £34 for those aged 18-25, and that those aged 55+ ranked ease of navigation and quick loading rates as the most essential considerations.