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Google’s AI Search Sparks Concerns Over Declining Website Traffic

Google’s new AI-powered search feature, currently being rolled out globally, is raising alarms about its potential impact on news website visibility and traffic. A recent study conducted by consultancy Authoritas sheds light on this concern. The study, which analyzed 6,599 keywords, suggests that the AI-driven search will drastically alter how search engine result pages function, making it more difficult to determine which page ranks at the top.

In May, Google introduced Gemini, its AI designed to provide direct answers to user queries, instead of simply displaying links to web pages. This shift could result in a notable drop in referral traffic to news articles, as users may bypass traditional search results in favor of the instant responses provided by AI. While the new search feature is not yet available in Australia, it is being tested in both the U.S. and U.K., with plans to extend it to other regions.

The main concern for publishers lies in the potential decline in visibility. Many news websites, which have spent years fine-tuning their content and keywords to secure top rankings on search results pages, now face the risk of being pushed further down the list or losing prominence altogether. This is especially troubling for industries that rely heavily on organic search traffic, such as media outlets, e-commerce, and other sectors dependent on search engine optimization (SEO) to drive their business.

According to Authoritas CEO and founder Laurence O’Toole, Google’s AI Overviews frequently link to pages that do not rank in the top ten organic search results. His research found that 60% of AI Overview links are directed to lower-ranked sources, potentially upending the traditional ranking system that publishers depend on. Moreover, O’Toole’s findings indicate that the page holding the number one organic ranking only appears in the top AI Overview result 38.5% of the time. This disparity reveals a growing disconnect between established SEO practices and AI-driven search behavior.

“AI Overviews are likely to have a dramatic impact on current search rankings, and consequently, publisher traffic,” O’Toole told the Press Gazette in the U.K.

Industry experts are echoing similar concerns. Gartner’s recent forecast predicts that traditional search engine volume will drop by 25% by 2026, as AI becomes a larger player in the search market. With AI-generated content becoming more prevalent, quality journalism and SEO efforts are likely to face stiff competition, leading to further challenges for news publishers.

Despite these concerns, Google remains optimistic. According to Hema Budaraju, Senior Director of Product Management for Search, AI Overviews could actually help publishers by directing users to a more diverse range of websites, especially for complex queries.

“We’re seeing users visit a greater variety of websites when looking for in-depth answers,” Budaraju noted. “Additionally, when users click through AI Overview-enhanced search results, they tend to spend more time engaging with the sites they visit.”

To address concerns about declining traffic, Google is experimenting with integrating links to relevant web pages directly within the AI Overviews. Early testing has shown promising results, with publisher sites benefiting from increased traffic.

“This experiment has yielded positive outcomes so far,” Budaraju said. “Including links to supporting web pages within AI Overviews is driving more traffic to publisher sites, and we’ll continue refining ways to balance user experience with publisher visibility.”

As Google’s AI search continues to evolve, the company assures it is committed to finding solutions that benefit both users and publishers alike. However, many in the industry remain cautious, preparing for the possibility of significant changes as AI search technology reshapes the digital landscape.

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