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Google Announces Unveiling Date for Next Pixel

Another year brings another Pixel. As expected, Google is set to unveil the Pixel 9, Pixel 9 Pro, and Pixel Watch 3 this fall. The Verge reports that Google has sent out invitations for its Made by Google hardware event, now scheduled for August 13th—nearly a month earlier than its traditional September date. This advanced timing is intriguing: why has Google decided to move up its event?

One possible reason is to preempt the leaks and rumors that typically surround their product launches. By announcing earlier, Google might be aiming to control the narrative and surprise the tech community. Despite these efforts, some details about the Pixel 9 series have already surfaced. Rumors suggest that Google will introduce four different Pixel models: the Pixel 9, Pixel 9 Pro, Pixel 9 Pro XL, and Pixel 9 Pro Fold. These new devices are expected to feature the G4 Tensor chip, Google’s latest SoC, and will replace the current Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro lineup. Similarly, the Pixel Watch 3 is set to succeed the Watch 2.

The event will kick off at 10 a.m. PT (3:00 a.m. AEST on the 14th), a typical start time for tech announcements. In addition to new hardware, the event will spotlight Google’s latest advancements in AI and the upcoming Android 15, which is currently in beta testing. The company’s AI initiatives, including the recently criticized AI Overviews, are expected to be a significant part of the presentation. It will be interesting to see how Google addresses previous issues and what new features they introduce.

For now, Google has only sent out invitations, and details on how the event will be streamed are still under wraps. However, it’s likely that the Made by Google event will be broadcast live on Google’s YouTube channel. Tech enthusiasts and fans can tune in to catch all the announcements as they happen.

This shift in timing could be a strategic move for Google, setting the stage for an exciting fall in the tech world.

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