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An ID verified badge could be Twitter’s next big move

If a fresh leak is to be believed, Twitter is planning to implement a feature where users may see a badge to signal that their account has been ID-verified.

Despite the fact that this information was recently tweeted by software developer and previously dependable source of leaks on the social media platform Jane Manchun Wong, we should naturally view this rumour with the typical degree of scepticism that it deserves.

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Wong elaborates on the procedure, saying, “There’ll be a flow for uploading your legal ID and your selfie for the purpose of verifying your identification.”

Maybe we can make Twitter a safer environment for people to use

ID verification would imply a degree of certainty that a verified account belongs to the person or organisation it claims to be, and it would have consequences for reducing the general toxicity of Twitter (which is definitely a problem). An ID-confirmed account would make it impossible to harass or attack other users of the network incognito; in fact, Twitter may ultimately give less weight to posts from users who haven’t verified their identities.

A similar approach might be used to combat disinformation, another major problem that Twitter faces. At least in principle, however as we’ve seen, there are plenty of people across all social media platforms who are willing to stand completely behind, shall we say, questionable allegations, so even having your identity confirmed is no assurance that an account holder won’t be a peddler of “fake news” and the like (at best).

You wouldn’t be the first person to worry about giving Twitter access to sensitive personal information. An example of a response to Wong reads, “Are the ID images saved on Twitter servers?” Because some knucklehead keeps walking past and randomly turning them off.

Wong tells us (new window/tab opens) that “a third party will manage it.”

This is all being discussed as if it were already decided, which is not the case. Keep an eye out…