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You will soon be able to swipe between tweets, topics, and trends on Twitter

Swiping will eventually enable you navigate between Twitter‘s many perspectives, which might include trending and following tweets, topics and trends, and more. Elon Musk said in a tweet that the navigation capability will be supported starting in the new year.

Before the end of the month, Musk had already dropped hints about the feature, saying that “the main timeline should allow for a simple sideways swipe between top, newest, trending, and subjects that you follow.” By touching the star symbol in the top right corner of the screen, users may switch between a timeline that displays the most recent tweets in order and the Home timeline, which displays suggested tweets.

This latest addition, though, takes things farther by expanding the available perspectives and making them swipeable. While I can see the potential benefits of this feature, it may take some getting accustomed to before I no longer accidentally switch between various perspectives as I browse through my timeline.