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Google is overhauling its employee performance systems

Workers’ displeasure with the new Google Reviews and Development (GRAD) system is detailed by the fact that under the new system, employees are more likely to get lower ratings and less likely to receive the highest ratings for their work.

It has been claimed that at a recent all-staff meeting, firm executives revealed the potential severity of the upcoming adjustments. Notably, the percentage of IT giant employees who may be assigned to low-ranking categories may increase to as high as 6% (from 2%).

From an expected 27%, a smaller percentage of workers will achieve one of the two top tiers.

Analysis of Results on Google

Despite the fact that the number of employees who wind up with simply ordinary scores will be essentially unchanged, up one percentage point, the move is likely to have depleting consequences on motivation and satisfaction.

The top tier of employees must have “achieved the near-impossible” and made contributions “more than we imagined imaginable.”

Many workers apparently voiced their displeasure with the modifications during the December all-hands meeting. Many worry that the new GRAD reforms would be used as a pretext for layoffs, despite the fact that the firm has been relatively undamaged by the massive layoffs that have rocked the tech sector in recent months due to global economic instability.

The corporation plans to “invest more per capita on remuneration overall” in the future as a means of rewarding employees. As the company’s employment grows by 23% year-over-year in Q3 2022, this may indicate that Google is looking to boost average employee performance, perhaps putting low-performers at risk.