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Samsung Display Prepares for Apple Foldables with 2024 Supply Chain Expansion

Samsung Display (SDC) is ramping up efforts to develop foldable displays for Apple, marking a key collaboration between the two tech powerhouses. According to reports from ZDNet Korea, SDC and its partners are working hard to build an “Apple foldable device ecosystem.” The South Korean company is expected to wrap up its supply chain preparations and investments by the end of 2024, setting the stage for Apple’s entry into the foldable device market.

A Solid Foldable Ecosystem in the Works

Apple’s foldable devices will rely on various components such as protective glass, hinges, and black PDL (Pixel Define Layer). Recent reports suggest SDC has made substantial headway in putting together the supply chain needed for these devices. Industry buzz points to the fourth quarter of 2024 as the time when the final supply chain setup will be confirmed, ensuring everything is in place for Apple’s foldable ambitions.

Apple Foldables on the Horizon

Speculation around Apple’s foray into foldable devices has been swirling for years. Industry insiders believe Apple may bring foldable screens to products like the iPhone and iPad, with potential release dates in late 2026 or early 2027. These foldable iPhones are expected to have screens between 7 and 8 inches, following a book-like folding design.

While there’s no official word from Apple, the progress SDC is making with its display technology indicates that foldable devices may be on the fast track. The sixth-generation OLED panels that SDC is developing will likely be the foundation for Apple’s first foldable devices, with plans for even larger displays using future eighth-generation OLED technology.

Sixth-Generation OLED Panels to Lead the Way

SDC’s sixth-generation OLED panels, measuring 1,500mm by 1,850mm, will be used in Apple’s first foldable products. These panels, commonly found in small to medium IT devices, are expected to power the upcoming foldable iPhone and iPad models. Meanwhile, SDC is also gearing up for future production of eighth-generation OLED panels, which could lead to larger, more advanced foldable devices in Apple’s future lineup.

Looking Ahead with Big Investments

In addition to its current projects, SDC is constructing an 8.6th-generation OLED production facility, with panels measuring 2,290mm by 2,620mm. This larger format is aimed at capturing a broader piece of the OLED market, especially for IT devices. While Apple’s first foldable products will likely use the sixth-generation panels, the more advanced 8.6th-generation technology could pave the way for bigger foldable screens in the future.

As Apple explores new product formats, SDC’s involvement in developing foldable display technology is crucial. With investments in cutting-edge OLED panels and a well-established supply chain, SDC is poised to play a major role in Apple’s plans for foldable devices. Over the next few years, this partnership could reshape the mobile and tablet markets, introducing foldable designs that change how people use their devices.

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