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Pokémon TCG Pocket Brings the Thrill of Opening Card Packs to the Digital World

Launching in late October, Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket was first announced in February as a simplified take on the Pokémon franchise, focusing solely on one thing: collecting cards. Unlike Pokémon Go or the mainline games where the core gameplay revolves around catching creatures, Pokémon TCG Pocket strips it down to its essence—collecting Pokémon, but on cards. And how do you do that? By opening virtual packs of Pokémon cards.

There’s something uniquely exhilarating about opening a physical Pokémon card pack. The experience begins long before you actually rip into it, starting at the store as you stand in front of a wall of shiny packs filled with endless possibilities. Which one do you pick? What might you leave behind if you don’t grab that pack? After making your selection, the anticipation grows—remember those car rides home, where you could hardly wait to see what was inside?

Finally, it’s time to open it. Some people prefer tearing the pack open with their fingers, feeling the shiny plastic pull apart. Others carefully snip the top with scissors. And for the extra thrill seekers, there’s even the option of reorganizing the cards without looking to ensure the rarest card comes up last. It’s a ritual, and for many, it’s the core of the experience.

Pokémon TCG Pocket aims to recreate this thrill in a digital space. Rather than just tapping a button to instantly open a pack, Creatures Inc. and DeNA have designed a swipe mechanic. You drag your finger along a designated path to “tear” the virtual packaging open, complete with a realistic ripping sound. Polygon attended a preview event for the game and noted that the swipe feels surprisingly satisfying, mimicking the physical act with impressive accuracy. You can open packs one by one or opt for opening 10 at once, multiplying the enjoyment of the animation.

Sound design plays a crucial role in making this digital experience feel authentic. Satoru Nagaya, art director at Creatures Inc., explained the extensive process behind perfecting the sound of opening a pack. “Since we expect players to open packs daily, we really focused on making the sound just right,” said Nagaya. “I tested various physical packs, listening to the way they opened, and after many trials, we found a sound that creates a sense of excitement.”

But the experience isn’t just about opening the packs—it’s also about choosing them. In Pokémon TCG Pocket, you get to select your pack from three different cover art options and then spin a virtual display to make your final choice, just like picking from a store shelf. This adds another layer of anticipation, recreating that same excitement of wondering what might be inside.

Ryo Tsujikawa, creative director at Creatures Inc., emphasized the importance of giving players a sense of control and personalization. “We wanted the opening experience to mirror the physical trading card game, so players can develop their own routines and preferences,” said Tsujikawa. “The choice of which booster pack to open is entirely up to the player, and we made sure the process of selecting, opening, and revealing the cards was as fun and engaging as possible.”

However, much like with physical cards, the magic can wear off if you open too many packs at once. While the option to open 10 cards in one go is efficient, doing it repeatedly can take away some of the charm. That said, most players are likely to stick to their two free packs per day, keeping the experience fresh and exciting without overdoing it.

In the end, Pokémon TCG Pocket captures the thrill of opening Pokémon card packs in a way that feels remarkably true to life. With its tactile swipe mechanics, attention to sound, and the process of choosing a pack, it offers a digital experience that retains much of the excitement of opening physical packs. Whether you’re a veteran collector or new to the Pokémon TCG, this game offers a nostalgic yet modern way to enjoy the hunt for rare and powerful cards.

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