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Google Chrome is Phasing Out One of the Most Popular Ad Blockers

Google Chrome’s upcoming update is shaking things up for uBlock Origin users. The shift from Manifest V2 to Manifest V3 will remove crucial features that uBlock Origin relies on, leading to its automatic disabling with the update. This change is part of Chrome’s broader effort to enhance privacy, security, and performance by altering how extensions manage API requests.

This crackdown on ad blockers is not limited to Chrome; it extends to other Google services like YouTube. While this may inconvenience users who want to limit ads, it aligns with Google’s revenue model, which relies on ad-supported free services. However, the enforcement also targets extensions that don’t meet the new standards.

For now, uBlock Origin remains functional, but a warning on its extension page notes, “This extension may soon no longer be supported because it doesn’t follow best practices for Chrome extensions.” In response, Raymond Hill, the developer behind uBlock Origin, has introduced uBlock Origin Lite. This new version complies with Manifest V3 and has already attracted around 200,000 users. It still offers ad-blocking features but requires users to handle permissions on a “per-site basis.” Hill has indicated that uBlock Origin Lite isn’t a direct replacement and users might need to seek alternatives that fit their needs better.

If you prefer to stick with Chrome but are dissatisfied with uBlock Origin Lite, consider switching to another browser like Firefox or Microsoft Edge, which still support the full version of uBlock Origin. This update underscores a growing trend where tech giants like Google are tightening control over third-party extensions, balancing user privacy with their business interests.

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